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Starting the 4th of July, FDC organizes a new initial mediation training course

Foundation for Democratic Change (FDC) is pleased to invite you to attend the initial mediation training course held in Bucharest, Ion Movila Street, No. 8, District 2
The course start date is July 4, 2011. It is divided into three modules as it follows:
Module I (5 days): Theory and Conflict Analysis, Alternative dispute resolution, legal frame of the mediator profession
Module II (5 days): Mediation, Communication and process
Module III (4 days): Mediation, Ethics and Reformulation
The Graduation exam will be held in two weeks after completing the course and consists of: Written test (about 2h), an Oral test and a Note given for a practical paper.
The tax for attending the course cost is 3660 lei and it can be paid in installments for each module, as it follows: Module I - 1200 lei, Module II - 1200 lei, Module III - 960 lei and the examination - 300 lei.
The Courses run by FDC are authorized by the Mediation Council.
A graduate of the Mediation Training Program will be able to:
• analyze any type of conflict;
• estimate the possibility of solving the conflict through mediation or any other alternative methods;
• efficiently communicate and facilitate the dialogue in a constructive manner;
• identify and apply appropriate methods of consensus building including mediation;
• to develop the skills in order to organize and perform as a mediator, according to Law 192/2006 on mediation and the profession of mediator.

It is recommended that persons participating in these training programs have university level training (study completed), work experience of at least three years, developed communication skills and willingness to apply practical knowledge and skills acquired through these training courses.

The graduation of the classes gives you the opportunity to fulfill the reglementation stated at letter f) art. 7, of the Mediation Law 192/2006, thus being able to authorize yourself as a mediator, you will meet all the conditions laid down in Article 7.

For more details, you may call 021/318 90 77 or send an e-mail at one of the following addresses: andreea.dulica@fdc.org.ro, contact@fdc.org.ro, office@fdc.org.ro, contact person Andreea Dulică.

We design and develop
training courses that
answer to the specific
requests of the beneficiary.
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The projects undertaken by FDC were oriented to identifying opportunities for application of mediation in the Romanian context, but also related to the environmental protection field.
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Our team of mediators has 11 years of experience in the application of alternative dispute resolution methods, including mediation, both within group disputes and interpersonal ones. The partnership between FDC and the General Inspectorate of Romanian Police had provided to FDC's team, access to a rich and diverse case law.
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