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Anca Elisabeta Ciucă visiting Bistriţa

"The President of the Mediation Council, Mrs. Elizabeth Ciucă, stopped in Bistrita, Monday, October 19. She has given extensive information regarding authorized mediation and held various discussions with local and county authorities, in order to implement mediation as a profession in Bistrita-Nasaud county also. "

For more details, please visit: http://www.gazetadebistrita.ro/citeste/1516-elisabeta-ciuca-in-vizita-la-bistrita-?n=1

We design and develop
training courses that
answer to the specific
requests of the beneficiary.
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The projects undertaken by FDC were oriented to identifying opportunities for application of mediation in the Romanian context, but also related to the environmental protection field.
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Our team of mediators has 11 years of experience in the application of alternative dispute resolution methods, including mediation, both within group disputes and interpersonal ones. The partnership between FDC and the General Inspectorate of Romanian Police had provided to FDC's team, access to a rich and diverse case law.
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